We suggest our optimized solutions for your business and easy integrations.
Virtual account with real-name auth
Virtual Account With Real-Name Auth Additional Service
Identity Verification And Real Account-Based Virtual Account Service

We create a virtual account linked to the customer's bank account to enhance the convenience and safety of
virtual account transactions after non-face-to-face identity verification and blacklist verification.

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Preventing unauthorized use of virtual accounts

We systematically apply multiple auth methods such as mobile phone auth, account holder verification and account auth to check whether a customer verification has been performed by a client company.

Pre-screening deposits from high-risk customers through third-party Auth
(AML/FDS function)

We block illegal use of accounts through blacklist verification.
(Korea Federation of Banks, National Police Agency, virtual asset exchange, etc.)

Supporting secure financial transactions

We provide information about the client company and virtual account history in real time when opening a virtual account.

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